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Format | Data | TÃtol | Autor |
Format | Data | TÃtol | Autor |
7 març 2007 |
Software para la manipulación de Bases de Datos Espaciales PostGIS |
Baksai Elespuru, A.
; Gutiérrez Valenzuela, Mariela
Solving constraint satisfaction problems with SAT modulo theories |
Bofill Arasa, Miquel
; Palahà i Sitges, Miquel
; Suy Franch, Josep
; Villaret i Ausellé, Mateu
2012 |
Solving constraint satisfaction problems with SAT modulo theories |
Bofill Arasa, Miquel
; Palahà i Sitges, Miquel
; Suy Franch, Josep
; Villaret i Ausellé, Mateu
juny 2022 |
Solving the human puzzle: let’s discover the interrelationship between the systems in our body: combination of clil and pbl methodologies to promote an active learning in biology contents |
Matas Ayala, Anaïs
Solving weighted CSPs with meta-constraints by reformulation into satisfiability modulo theories |
Ansótegui, Carlos
; Bofill Arasa, Miquel
; Palahà i Sitges, Miquel
; Suy Franch, Josep
; Villaret i Ausellé, Mateu
1 gener 2013 |
Solving weighted CSPs with meta-constraints by reformulation into satisfiability modulo theories |
Ansótegui, Carlos
; Bofill Arasa, Miquel
; Palahà i Sitges, Miquel
; Suy Franch, Josep
; Villaret i Ausellé, Mateu
setembre 2023 |
¿Somos como aprendemos?: Estudio de la influencia de la personalidad y la motivación en el aprendizaje del español como segunda lengua |
Gimeno Gómez, Cecilia
setembre 2023 |
Statistics for Data Science (using R) |
Palarea Albaladejo, Javier
29 febrer 2016 |
Storytelling & competences in the English classroom |
Lockhart, Edward
27 juny 2016 |
Strategie di conservazione di una lingua minoritaria: tra convergenza e ibridazione |
Milano, Emma
febrer 2007 |
Student’s watcher : comparison between ASP.NET and PHP+CSS |
Pujolràs Riera, Xavier
Student’s watcher : comparison between ASP.NET and PHP+CSS |
Pujolràs Riera, Xavier
setembre 2014 |
Los Sufijos apreciativos en la enseñanza de ELE |
Fiol Granés, Gisela
Los Sufijos apreciativos en la enseñanza de ELE |
Fiol Granés, Gisela
A Syntactic Analysis of the Subject Clitic "a" in the Friulian Variety of Campone |
Casalicchio, Jan
; Masutti, Vania
1 juny 2018 |
A Syntactic Analysis of the Subject Clitic "a" in the Friulian Variety of Campone |
5 juny 2018 |
A Syntactic Analysis of the Subject Clitic "a" in the Friulian Variety of Campone |
Casalicchio, Jan
; Masutti, Vania
2015 |
A Syntactic Analysis of the Subject Clitic "a" in the Friulian Variety of Campone |
Casalicchio, Jan
; Masutti, Vania
15 febrer 2020 |
A Syntactic Analysis of the Subject Clitic "a" in the Friulian Variety of Campone |
Casalicchio, Jan
; Masutti, Vania
The Syntactic Information in the ’Diccionario CrÃtico Etimológico Castellano e Hispánico’ by J. Corominas and J.A. Pascual as Expressed in the Database ’Syntax.Dbf’ |
Batllori Dillet, Montse
; Pujol Payet, Isabel
; Sánchez Lancis, Carlos E.
The Syntactic Information in the ’Diccionario CrÃtico Etimológico Castellano e Hispánico’ by J. Corominas and J.A. Pascual as Expressed in the Database ’Syntax.Dbf’ |
Batllori Dillet, Montse
; Pujol Payet, Isabel
; Sánchez Lancis, Carlos E.
1 juny 2018 |
The Syntactic Information in the ’Diccionario CrÃtico Etimológico Castellano e Hispánico’ by J. Corominas and J.A. Pascual as Expressed in the Database ’Syntax.Dbf’ |
5 juny 2018 |
The Syntactic Information in the ’Diccionario CrÃtico Etimológico Castellano e Hispánico’ by J. Corominas and J.A. Pascual as Expressed in the Database ’Syntax.Dbf’ |
Batllori Dillet, Montse
; Pujol Payet, Isabel
; Sánchez Lancis, Carlos E.
1992 |
The Syntactic Information in the ’Diccionario CrÃtico Etimológico Castellano e Hispánico’ by J. Corominas and J.A. Pascual as Expressed in the Database ’Syntax.Dbf’ |
Batllori Dillet, Montse
; Pujol Payet, Isabel
; Sánchez Lancis, Carlos Eliseo
Syntactic structure of Spanish parasynthesis: towards a split little-v via affectedness |
MartÃnez Vera, Gabriel